
Tecnologia TOPCon - O mínimo que você precisa saber sobre essa novidade

A Vertys Solar Group está trazendo para o mercado uma novidade importante. Os novos módulos que começaram a ser comercializados neste mês de julho apresentam diferenciais importantes, que mostra mais uma vez o pioneirismo em relação às novas tecnolo...

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Differences between On-Grid, Off-Grid, and Hybrid Photovoltaic Generators

When installing a solar power system, there are many decisions to be made. As you are investing in equipment that will last for many years, it is important to make the right choices. Evaluating some differences can help in deciding the best generator option for your application.

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Desarmes repentinos em disjuntores

Este artigo técnico tem como objetivo a origem de desarmes repentinos em disjuntores. Para isso, estão sendo consideradas as premissas da norma ABNT NBR 5410 e os parâmetros de datasheet dos disjuntores.

Referencial Normativo

Para dimensionamento de conduto...

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Difference between string inverters and microinverters

This article aims to explain the differences between string inverters and microinverters, presenting their main differences, modes of operation, advantages and disadvantages for a system, lifespan, warranties, and other points relevant to this analysis.



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Overvoltage in Photovoltaic Inverters: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions


Installers and professionals working in the solar photovoltaic energy market often encounter an increase in electrical voltage during the operating hours of inverters. Many inexperienced professionals may consider this...

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Aneel aprova regulamentação da lei 14.300

A ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica) aprovou, por unanimidade, o texto que regulamenta a Lei 14.300.

O texto foi votado e aprovado nesta terça-feira (07), após uma série de sustentações orais realizadas por agentes do setor el&ea...

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The hybrid inverter from RENAC has been approved by INMETRO

RENAC Power has introduced its new line of high-voltage single-phase hybrid inverters for residential applications. The N1-HV-6.0, which received certification from INMETRO under Ordinance No. 140/2022, is now available for the Brazilian market.


According to the company...

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Vertys is Renac in Brazil

The Brazilian solar energy market is growing rapidly and represents an important market for RENAC POWER, one of the best inverter manufacturers in the world.

At VERTYS SOLAR GROUP, we have built a strong partnership with RENAC POWER, and today, we have elevated this collaboration to the...

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Solar energy has fallen in the taste of Brazilians

Solar Energy has already won the hearts of those who invest and bet on the technology, and it does not stop there, because Brazil should have a leap in photovoltaic generation in the coming years.

According to the PDE (Ten-Year Energy Expansion Plan) conducted by the Ministry of Mines a...

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Welcome to our new space


We offer the most innovative technologies in photovoltaic systems, through solar panels and inverters developed for the national and international market.

This photovoltaic technology has been researched for years, and came to demonstrate that it is possible, yes, to ge...

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